Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nov 28: (Day 11) City Almost Complete!

Today was 'one of those days' ....

Soon after beginning my build today, I realized I was, again, running out of room; i.e., the space I'd provided for this year's village simply wasn't large enough. But I didn't want to omit an area of Dunnville (the Bay Area) and I couldn't allot any more space if I wanted to be able to walk into my living room without knocking over a village building. What to do. What to do?

I don't know what anyone else does, but I try to visualize what the end product is going to be. However, with this year's village, I know what I want it to be ... but it is seeming to take on a life of its own during the build ... it is flowing from one area to another without a lot of thought on my part. Until today.

I wanted a "L"-shaped village this year ... which grew into a "U" shape. Now, I believe it's going to be a "U" with the middle of the "U" filled in ... in other words, a rectange with one vertical leg longer than the other. Oh well. So much for 'best laid plans' ....

I took a few hours off, too, when my daughter and her boyfriend showed up for a visit this afternoon. Family always comes first ... even over Dunnville 2009! :) As soon as they left, though, I started putting my new plan into production.

First, I had to redo some of the base of the display ... or, I should say, FIND something to build an additional base on! Finally finding some empty boxes in the garage that would fit nicely, I was back to the task at hand. So, I did get some buildings up! The city is about done; I believe I have 3 buildings to place yet. And then on to the Bay Area and the airport. By tomorrow night, I should be awfully close to finished! Then, I can just sit back and enjoy it!

Besides the base addition, the following are now part of Dunnville 2009:

  • To the left of the Town Hall (set up yesterday) is the Bank, Savings & Loan. If you look close, you'll see Mrs. Bressler and her dog have made their way to the bank.

  • The Village Inn sits next to the bank. The sign outside says "NO VACANCY". Must be a lot of people from out of town visiting for the holidays already!

  • To the right of the Police Station (also set up yesterday) is Fire Station #9. Look! Their must be a fire somewhere! The fireman are outside and appear to be headed somewhere, anyway!

  • To the right of the Police Station is Tattered Covers Rare Books. No matter what book you're looking for, you'll either find it there on the shelves or they will find it and order you a copy. Have purchased some rare treasures there!

  • Between the Police Station and the book store is the News Stand. They carry most popular magazines and the most-wanted daily newspapers besides the Dunnville News.

  • Above the fire station is Green Heaven Bed & Breakfast. The Green sisters own the place ... both spinsters. When they no longer could afford the upkeep on their home, they started renting rooms. Seems to be working for them.

  • Next to the B&B is the Cherry Blossom Chinese Restaurant. If you have a craving for Chinese food, don't pass up this hot spot!

(Video Length: 55 seconds)

Well, that's it for this Saturday. As I said, getting close to finished. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. LOL It remains to be seen how the day develops!

Until then ....