Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 27: (Day 10) NOW the City!

I got a late start today. And, no, I wasn't shopping on Black Friday! I haven't done that for about four years now; it's just easier to wait until midnight Thanksgiving night and order online! Get up at 4:00am? Stand in line when it's cold outside? Hell NO! The comfort of my living room is more my style! LOL

I slept in a bit ... as long as my dogs allow, which is about 8:00am. Made a pot of coffee. Drank 2 cups; still didn't have any energy. And my BACK hurt! Must be all the stretching and bending I'm doing building my village ... using muscles I haven't, obviously, used in a while! Then, my girlfriend called; she's having computer problems ... would I come look? Of course! This woman has done so much for me, it's the least I could do!

When I returned about 3:00pm, I started messing with the outside lights. We had our annual "Light Up" ceremony last night, but I wasn't happy with the way the lights looked. Actually, I'm still not happy with them so will fiddle with them some more tomorrow. Here's a short video of them:

(Video Length: 53 seconds)

At any rate, it was after dinner when I finally started to pull everything out again (I'd sort of 'put it away', i.e., hid it due to family being over for Thanksgiving). Then, I rebuilt a portion of the display base in order to get more usable space. Finally, time to build! Follow along:

  • First to go up today was the Towne Hall with a Clock Tower and the American Flag. Of course, we have to have some musicians and carollers. 'Tis the Season'! And, there is Mrs. Bressler walking her dog. Looks like they are having quite a lovely afternoon stroll.

  • Next down the street is the local Grocery Store. I see they have Christmas Trees for sale today! I may have to stop back by later and pick one up!

  • The building beside the grocer's is Vicki's Blooms (a flower shop) and Greenhouse. She sure has some beautiful poinsettias in her shop! Oh Oh! A policeman is writing someone a ticket. Looks like they parked in a No Parking zone. And, look at that cute little dog! Must belong to the person getting the ticket based on what he about to do to the policeman!

  • At the end of the street is the Old Sloan Tavern. Every town should have a place like this: comfortable for anyone and everyone (of legal age) to hang out, chat, and have a toddy; a place where everyone knows everyone else; a place to hang out by the round fireplace in the center and enjoy the company of good friends and interesting conversation.

  • See the trash bandits in front of the Tavern! Bet they are going to make a mess!

  • Below the tavern is the public golf course. See those crazy guys playing Hole #15 in the snow? And, that is one of the most difficult holes on the course: water trap, lots of trees, tall rough ... and now, SNOW! Those golfers must really love the game!

  • At the of the golf course is the Dunnville Police Station. Don't envy those people their jobs ... even though I am unemployed! Takes a certain type of person to put their life on the line every day for people they don't even know. There is one of the 'Boys in Blue' ... right beside his car. Must be on the way to a call. Hope it's nothing too much.

(Video Length: 55 seconds)