Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nov 21: (Day 5) Electrical Issues

Every year since the size of my village grew 'larger than normal', my son has said "Mom, you're going to start a fire with all of those lights and surge protectors." Well, his prediction may have come true this year if I didn't always take precautions to prove him wrong.

I get the proper county building permits and meet with each and every inspector to insure each building is 'up to code'. Even though I write my own permits (sure sure sure) and I do the inspections, I'm quite confident the village won't burn down to the ground.

Yesterday, I set up two pairs of round spot lights that run off of a 3v DC adapter that should handle up to 500mA. I also had plugged in a little tree that lights up as a yard decoration (sort of like the spiral trees you see in quite a few yards during the holidays); and by my figures, I was close to 500mA but not over it. Shortly after I turned the village lights on this morning, I noticed the spots were out. I felt the adapter and found it to be quite warm ... OK ... it was hot! So, I had to tear that area of the village apart (since all electrical is ran under the boxes I use for a display base) and start troubleshooting the problem.

First, I tried plugging in a single pair of spots and the tree; adapter still got hot. So. I tried the other pair of spots and the tree; same result. Next, I plugged in both pairs of spots minus the tree. No difference. One pair of spotlights only didn't alter the results. I finally decided to try a brand new adapter (purchased in 2005 at a sale but never used). I plugged in one set of spots ... WE'RE GOOD! Lesson learned: even though accessories, adapters, etc. look like new, they need to be thrown out and replaced every three years or so, depending on how much they are used.

I have a plastic tub (28" x 14" x 14") full of these little adapters, some still packaged, so it isn't like I'd have to go out and buy some. I catalogued 26 of the 3v 500mA 4-jack adapters, 12 of the 4.5v 930mA 3-jack adapters, and 6 of the 4.5v 1000mA single-jack adapters ... so I think I have the electrical covered! :)

I ended up using two adapters instead of the single one: I plugged one pair of spotlights plus the tree into one and one pair of spots and a "shimmering spruce" into the other. I learned long ago that just because the adapter has 4 jacks it doesn't mean you can plug 4 items into it! (Kind of like having checks left doesn't mean you have money in the bank!) I burnt up so many adapters in 2003 I probably kept the company in the black that year ... and back then, once the adapter went out you had no choice but to throw it away. Now, I keep track of how many milliamperes each little electrical piece draws and calculate carefully. This time, though, it was the adapter that was failing. No way to know that without doing daily inspections while building and before enclosing the village when finished.

So, there went my morning! But, better safe than let my son get the opportunity to say "I told you so!".

Since my roommate (my ex-husband ... don't ask!) offered to work on the outside lights, I continued to work on the village ... but with many breaks! LOL

As I've mentioned, I build the display on the plastic tubs and cardboard boxes that are used to pack the village away every year. However, since Dunnville has grown so much, that's not enough base material. So, I have to scrounge around to see what else I can use. In the past, I've used the dining room table, my desk and credenza, cupboard doors set over sawhorses ... you get the picture. Well, I hit that point this afternoon.

And, since I'm trying to build a compact village this year, I'm experiencing a bit of a learning curve that is slowing me down some. However, I'm pretty happy with the progress so far.

Why don't you take a ride with me and and let's see what was accomplished today:

  • Looks like the sledding hill is done and the kids are trying their sleds out for the first time this season. Such fun the sledders are having ... falling off the sleds, racing down the hill ... laughing all the way. See that kid up there? The one with the red scarf on? He kind of looks like the Coca-Cola bear!

  • Below the ski mountain and the camping area, we came upon the Christmas Tree farm. Everyone was quite busy by the time we arrived ... chopping down the trees, loading the large ones up in a wagon and the smaller ones in a wheelbarrow. Besides selling fresh-cut trees, the residents also sell firewood. They all were working so hard, I decided to erect a sign for them down the road a way to get them some more business:

  • Continuing down the invisible road (I don't do 'roads'), we come upon a bustling farm. Looks like everyone was doing chores:
    • A couple of men were mending a fence;
    • Another was feeding the pigs;
    • A third was carrying hay ... Hey! Wasn't that the same guy we saw at the ranch taking hay to the horses? Well, with the economy the way it is, doesn't surprise me he is working two jobs!
    • Oh oh! Look there! To the right of the house. Back by the hickory tree! Janice and Adam are K-I-S-S-I-N-G under the mistletoe. Ooooo. He's going to be in SO much trouble! Not for making out with his girlfriend but because he wasn't feeding the chickens ... and now there is a fox in the henhouse! If something happens to those chickens, Adam's dad is gonna be pisssssssssssssssssed!!

  • Let's see what is going on at the next place ... the Antique Barn is open! I've picked up some nice antique pieces of furniture there and the prices are quite fair. Looks like everyone is having fun here!
    • Mom is out cleaning the walk, but Baby Zeke and puppy Bella aren't helping any!
    • Ashly and Chris are playing on a round hay bale. The rabbits don't seem to care; maybe they are just thirsty.
    • Their dog, Tyson, is getting on the fun, too; he's tinkling on the tire by the fence!

  • During our excursion, we happened to see some other interesting things:
    • There was the couple in the antique buggy out for a ride and enjoying the day.
    • A buck and doe out by the Christmas Tree farm. Seemed they were checking out all of the activity below them.
    • And, high up on the mountain side was Mr. & Mrs. Moose. They seemed to be out basking in the sun and enjoying the day, also.

Well, that's the end of today's journey. Hope you enjoyed it! More coming tomorrow ... as long as there isn't a fire!

(Video clip: 56 sec)