Friday, November 20, 2009

Nov 20: (Day 4) At the Ski Mountain

I was going to work on the outside lights today ... and did ... for a short time. Then, I decided I really didn't know how I wanted to decorate this year. I had this new design in mind, but that all changed when I was laid off. Since I have plenty of Christmas lights, etc., it just doesn't make sense to buy what I would have to in order to carry out the new idea. Maybe next year. So, the plan now is to work on the outside lights tomorrow!

I was thinking earlier today ... it doesn't seem like traditions mean much to the present-day young adults. Growing up, my family had a lot of traditions: Fried chicken for Sunday dinner (now, what we call lunch); Grandma's house every Sunday night to watch Bonanza on color TV; Santa arrived on Christmas Eve while we were at church; chili and oyster stew served after opening Christmas presents; Christmas day shared between the two Grandmother's houses with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins; bean soup on New Year's Day; etc. I still follow through with some of the traditions: baking Christmas cookies and candy; Santa arrives on Christmas Eve (actually, I'm here all year long! LOL); and the night of Thanksgiving is the official "Light Up" ceremony where all that gathered here for dinner and the day's festivities, step outside while the main "switch" is thrown (think Clark Griswold), step back and say 'ahhhhhhhh' ... unless I blow the circuit breakers ... which I usually do at least once per year!

Therefore, I'm going to stay with tradition, and at least be able to light up the outside lights. I say 'at least' because, usually, my village is finished, too, by Thanksgiving. Not this year ... I suppose because I was spending too much time feeling sorry for myself instead of counting my blessings.

I did get some building done today ... didn't waste the WHOLE day! The parts that were added today:

  • Santa is in his sleigh and pulled by a pony. He must be giving Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen a rest before the big night! I wonder if he actually believes that covered bridge is large enough to get through? Then, again, he is able to go down chimneys, so anything is possible I suppose!

  • The Dutch Windmill possibly could be a sign that Dunnville is 'going green'. I'm sure those large blades could generate some power. I hope, though, that the deer outside the door is smart enough to keep his head down!

  • Nym's Nook and the Silver Birch Lodge are favorites with the skiers during the winter season. No better place to rest and relax after being on the ski mountain all day than beside a nice, warm fireplace!!

  • With all the skiers, snow boarders, and snowmobilers on the mountain today, I'm surprised that the Mountain Rescue Station wasn't very busy. I didn't see any of them, though. Did you?

  • I overheard some campers/fisherman talking out by the fireplace earlier today. They were talking about their bad luck. First, they had to share their fishing spot with some otters. They could have made do with the little fish-eaters, they said ... but when a couple of polar bears made an appearance, they knew it was time to pack up and leave! Polar bears around these parts? Nahhh. They had to have had too much to drink or been hallucinating!

I don't think I've mentioned it before, but make sure your sound is turned up before watching the video in order to hear snippets of popular Christmas songs! (Video Length: 46 seconds)

Well, that's about enough for today. Time for this old woman to get some rest. And, we'll see how it goes tomorrow, won't we?