Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 23: (Day 7) Houses, Houses, Houses

Shortly after I set up the first house today, I could see that I had a design issue. The issue? I hadn't allowed enough room if I was going to put up the whole village. The village was to reside this year in what is usually my dining room. In fact, the dining room table is supposed to be part of the base. (Who needs a dining room table anyway? What's wrong with TV trays? LOL)

And, I wanted visitors to be able to see "up close and personal" all of the details ... and one wouldn't be able to do that if the village is 4' wide or more. So, I set a pair of sawhorses with some cabinet doors over them; that wasn't going to work. I tried a couple of large Rubbermaid storage tubs; nope. I finally turned the table 90 degrees, set it up against the short wall and as close to the door as I could get it. If I'm really careful to make the best use of the real estate, I should be fine ... 'fine' being the operative word here! In fact, as I was reviewing the pictures I took this evening to put into today's blog, I noticed an empty space behind one of the houses! So, I took that area all apart again, built a raised platform, and set another house behind it.

I also wired in some decorative pieces today:

Fiber-optic hedges

Fiber-optic trees

and the lighted deer and sleigh at the Schroeder's house plus some red and green lit bushes at the North Pole.

And things would go faster if I had room to move!

This is what is called an "Electrician's Nightmare"!

All in all, though, I'd say it was a fairly productive day!

  • The Victorian Garden house is the one added as an after thought. It is the highest and to the left of the observatory. Victoria, the owner, a widow and sole occupant is a bit of a strange bird. Hardly ever see her. The gossip-mongers say her husband is buried in her garden and she won't go anywhere without him!

  • Below Victoria's house is Grandma's house and it looks like she has gone "all out" decorating her yard this year. Wonder who she had do it; she didn't call me. Hmmm. Anyway, it appears she has adorned her front yard with every decoration she has ever purchased during her lifetime! Quite bright!

  • Next to Victoria's house is the Schroeder house. They have quite the large family: 5 children ages 5-12. Dad sells cars; mom owns a beauty shop. Their children seem quite well behaved, too. Nice family. The Schroeders have decorated their front yard with lighted sculptures of Santa's sleigh and a reindeer.

  • To the left of the Schroeders is Riverview Manor owned by Arnold and Mary Brudigam, and older couple, both retired. Very nice people; always so thoughtful. They have added LED lights to their hedges for the holidays.

  • Below and to the front of Riverview Manor is Emily's Place ... another widow. Her husband used to work for the railroad and has been gone quite a few years now. She's a sweet old lady and is always helping anyone and everyone. In her front yard are the vintage blow-mold candles and Santas she has put out every year that I can remember. It's nice to see that some things don't change!

  • Below and to the left of Riverview Manor is the Legaspi's home. They are a nice Philipino family ... hard, honest workers. I heard their daughter is attending community college and working! Now, that's perseverance! It doesn't appear they have added any decorations to their yard yet ... and I can't remember every seeing any there in years past.

  • Oh! Almost forgot the squirrels I saw today ... looked like they were trying to get Mr. Snowman to play with them!

(Video Length: 46 seconds)

And, the saga continues tomorrow!