Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov 18: (Day 2) Begin Construction

I sat for the longest time trying to envision how this village is going to go up ... and I was unsuccessful. LOL But, I can start laying in the mountains and backdrop.

The 'mountains' are chicken wire which is attached to the wall and molded into something that will pass as a mountain range. Normally, I use quite a bit of wire. Today, I only used a small piece about 3' wide! Hmmmm.

I use the crates and boxes that the village is normally stored in to make the base and different levels. I know from past experience that it may help to start laying in the base ... and maybe ...just maybe ... some great vision will appear and I'll be on my way. Sure, Judy ... keep up the positive thinking!

HALLELUJAH! The first building is up and lit. Doesn't look too bad. This actually may work. Only 100+ buildings to go!

The first building was, appropriately, Santa's house! Can you SEE it way up there in the corner?

Well ... it's a start. And I know the rest of Santa's buildings ... the Post Office and Santa's Air ... plus the elves will sit in the same vicinity. "A plan has been born" although it may be short-sighted and incomplete!

Time to get moving !!

WHEW!! I'm tired ... going up and down a ladder and finding where I set my 'tools' (scissors, straight pins, tealight candles for leveling, staple gun, etc.) is a tiring process. BUT ... ta da ... I think I have a plan!

The North Pole is complete! (Video Length: 34 seconds)

Now that I have a plan, I'm going to bed! G'night!