Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nov 19: (Day 3) Clumsy!

It's a damn good thing I don't have to get up on an 8' ladder or anything to work on this village. I'd kill myself by falling even further if I had to use something higher than what I am. I got so engrossed in what I was doing, I stepped off the top step of a 2-step step ladder thinking I was on the bottom step. And, I did it ... not once ... but twice within five minutes! Of course, even I have to outdue myself and the second time was a prime example. Everything I was working on went flying as I tried to grab at "nothing" to stop my fall. Good thing I have a lot of built-in padding! LOL

Slowed myself after the step-stool incident and haven't quite gotten into the 'swing' of things ... but I will. Don't get me wrong ... I did make some headway today. It's almost like I have to re-learn what I'm doing every year. I'd read the directions, but there aren't any! :)

Today, the following went up:

  • Horseshoe Ranch:
    An alpine style home sits on the ranch ... fits rights into the mountain scenery. There is also a barn and a stable. A little girl walks by the stable but stops to give the horse a friendly pat. Maybe the horse is her's? A pair of cowboys on horses meet you at the ranch entranceway. Three cowboys are walking across the ranch toward the fence to see who is coming to visit. Someone is carrying a hay bale to the stable. Guess it's feeding time! Another ranch hand is saddling a horse. A second saddle straddles the fence. The ranch is surrounded by towering pines, crystalized by the cold, wet winter.

    At one end of the ranch, a deer nibbles on a Snowman's nose. Lunch time! At the other end of the ranch, a boy stops to read the sign, "Let it Snow". (Video Length: 40 seconds)

  • Stoneybridge Church
    A stone church with high steeples and decorated for the holidays sits quietly in the country. It appears there must have been a wedding there today! Do we know the lucky couple? Doesn't look like anyone I know. I beautiful nativity scene sits at one side of the church; at the opposite side, two children dare each other to start ringing the bell. Oh! To be that age again!

    Look! A lady driving a buggy is coming out of the woods. That looks like fun? May I hitch a ride?
  • Crystal Creek Winery
    Next to the church is the winery. At least, the minister doesn't have far to go far to restock the communion wine! There is a Tasting Room. Darn! It doesn't appear to be open today. A beautiful brick and wooden fence and gate guard the entrance way to the winery.

    A stone bridge traverses Crystal Creek. A man is getting water from a well at the far end of the bridge and someone has built a snowman at this end. It appears he was put there to greet and welcome all those that cross the bridge! (Video Length: 44 seconds)

And do you see that giant snowball those kids are making over there? Wonder what they plan to do with it?

  • Wow! Did you see that Eagle fly over? Look! Look up there high on the mountain side ... see the Eagle's Next? That's just too cool!
  • As you pass the bridge, you come upon an old Skating Pond. There are even two people skating! I bet they aren't as clumsy as I've been today!
  • Hey! You need to use the bathroom? There is an old-time outhouse over there!
  • Above the skating pond, a Deer Family ... dad, mom, and baby take in the sights all around them. However, I bet they don't see ...
  • The black papa bear and his cub higher up on the mountain side!

    (Video Length: 28 seconds)

I wired one special piece today ... a 9" glazed hickory. Did you see it? It was the blue-glowing tree behind the kids ringing the bell! I think I've only used five surge protectors ... which is good. LOL
In my 'thoughts and history' post, I neglected to mention a couple of things that came to mind today (it must have been the two falls that shook something loose in my brain).
First, once the village is complete, I am able to turn it on and off by flipping two switches. That's it. Just two! Each of the buildings has individual switches, but can you imagine having to turn them on and off individually? By the time you got them all on, you'd have to start turning them off! Furthermore, once complete, you will not be able to find one exposed wire or cord. Nada. None. Naught. Nil. Nix. Zilch. Zip. Zot.
Secondly, my village pieces are a mish-mash of different Christmas Villages:

  • I have nine Department 56 pieces. Some feel this is the creme de la creme of all Christmas villages. I like some of their pieces; but in the long run, they are often over-priced.
  • When I started collecting, Joann Fabrics sold Santa's Workbench village pieces and I own 67 buildings and accessories.
  • I've purchased or been gifted with 51 Holiday Time pieces, most often sold at WalMart.
  • Lemax is, probably, the most recognized name in miniature villagecs. They put out a nice product at a moderate price. I own 124 of their pieces.
  • Plus I have a small collection of pieces by companies that no one has ever heard of. Have no idea where I came across those!
  • And I look for things that will work in a village but aren't normally for a village.
Like I said ... a very eclectic collection!

I don't know if I'll get much building done tomorrow. My daughter, Ashly, and her boyfriend visit on Fridays. My plan is to get up the outside lights. Of course, that involves a ladder ... a very high ladder. With my luck, I'll be at the top of this 14' ladder and forget where I'm at. On the other hand, I hate heights, so that may work to my advantage!

I'll let you all know how it goes ... or not ... depending on injuries!

Oh! And I'll give you one guess as to where I found one of my dogs tonight as I was organizing for tomorrow. Yep! Asleep on the fleece in the chair!


yAshl said...

My mom may be off to a ruff start but in the end her village will be alive... love you mom