Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov 24: (Day 8) Turbo Build!

As I enjoyed my first cup of coffee this morning, I realized that Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow! It isn't that I'm having a whole lot of company ... just the kids and their significant others ... and I'm not cooking a 25+ pound turkey like I usually do (a 12 pound one suffices this year) ... but no one can walk from my front door to anywhere in the house! You come in the front door and the walkway is blocked with boxes, buildings, and building materials! It was time to TURBO BUILD!

So, fasten your seat belt cuz here we go .....

  • We left off yesterday with the Legaspi residence. The the left of it is the Terrace Tea Room. I've never stopped in, but I hear they serve a mean cup of Darjeeling Tea. I'm more of a coffee person myself.

  • To the front and right of the Legaspi home is Webster Manor. They are long-time residents of Dunnville. In fact, their ancestors were some of the original property owners in the little village.

  • To the left of Webster Manor are two properties that look almost identical: one belongs to Bob Jones; the other to Tom Jones. The Jones brothers met and married twin sisters! To this day, their houses look the same; they drive the same cars; the couples dress alike when they are out. Kind of strange behavior for adults, but to each his/her own!

  • To the front of the Jones' properties are the Library and local Elementary School. I see the Martinez children are on the see-saw!

  • To the left of the Library is St. James Cathedral. Every year the put on a live Nativity scene. It is truly something to behold.

  • Above and behind the cathedral is the residence of Gordon and Bonnie Bressler and their two children, Mark and Kathy. Looks like Bonnie is trying to get Mark to wear mittens!

  • To the left of the Bressler home is my home

  • To the left of me is the Hanford House. The Hanfords recently moved in and I haven't had a chance to meet them, though. They sure have decorated their maple tree beautifully!

  • To the right of the Hanford House and directly below me is the Martinez residence. It is their children that are playing on the see-saw.

That is the end of the residential area. (Video Length 1:25)

I'm going to continue building ... on the business area ... but wanted to get this posted before it got too late. G'Night!