Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Christmas Card to my Friends ... Including YOU!

Instead of mailing Christmas cards this year, I decided to email one to those I exchange emails with regularly. I looked at eCards on the internet, but couldn't find one that fit "me". So, I decided to make my own!

After coming up with a couple of different ideas, I finally decided I wanted something expressing the 'Christmas Child' in me. I grew up in Nebraska, so there had to be snow. And, the card had to be 'fun'. I finally gathered all the pictures and audio I wanted, compiled them into a FLASH file, and emailed the following to my friends. Each card was personally addressed via the Christmas tag at the beginning; this one is to all of you: My Friends!

Sorry ... removed it to get ready for 2010!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

More Decorations

Today I tried something I hadn't for two or three years ... airbrushing glass ornaments. And, of course, I ran into trouble. I couldn't get the air pressure set right on the compressor which resulted in my airbrush "spitting". After a couple of hours of swearing at it, the compressor finally gave in.

Then, I pulled my favorite color out of my paint bin ... a pearlized teal ... only to find the paint had thickened over time. I tried thinning the paint with laquer thinner ... isn't that what it's for? Guess it doesn't apply to airbrush paint because it just made the paint grainy. But, I thought I'd try it anyway. BIG MISTAKE! Now, my airbrush was filled with grainy paint that couldn't get past the needle. So, I wash out the paint cup and take the airbrush apart to clean. Another BIG MISTAKE! The trigger fell out and I couldn't remember how it all went back together. Thank God for the internet! A picture I found was my rescurer!

Airbrush is back together. Compressor is set correctly. Red paint isn't too thick to use. TIME TO BEGIN! And then .... Oops! Dropped the paint cup full of red paint on my gray carpet! UGH! Anyone have a method of getting paint out of carpet? Because now I have gray carpet with a pink tint! Gotta laugh about it or else I'd cry! :)

But, I finally got some ornaments painted and I'd like to share a few of them with you:

Red and Silver

Purple and Silver

Green, Blue and Gold

Blue and Silver

Blue and Gold

Monday, December 7, 2009

Other Christmas Decorations

I thought I'd share some of my other Christmas decorations. I haven't included the village, but will be taking video of it sometime this week.

The first video is of my indoor decorations. In it, I've included:

  • My Christmas tree: The tree is 7-1/2' tall and prelit. However, I add six strings of the old-fashioned bubble lights because they bring back childhood memories of my maternal Grandmother's Christmas tree. I always found the bubble lights mesmerizing. Most of the ornaments on it were made by my paternal Grandmother; those are about 45 years old. Other ornaments include both my son's and daughter's "First Christmas" ornaments; they are 25 and 24 years old respectively. What left ... less than a dozen ... were either made by my friends or myself in the past ten years. This year, I've added a couple strings of blinking LED lights wound around the center of the tree to add some "bling". I also found a wonderful lady on eBay who is parting with a family member's Hallmark heirloom ornaments. Check her out if you're at all interested in Hallmark keepsakes; the ornaments are priced VERY reasonable: bmgcassandra

  • Santa and Friends: Santa sits in his chair beside the Christmas tree surrounded by his friends. They are listening to Santa read his favorite Christmas story: Twas the Night Before Christmas. His friends include Frosty the Snowman; Bud and Doug Moose; Penny Penguin; and the Elves: Alabaster Snowball (Administrator of the Naughty or Nice list) and Wunorse Openslae (Designer of the sleigh and responsible for its maintenance).

  • 'Chucky' the Elf & Rudolph: Chucky left the North Pole several years ago because his height (about 4') made him self-conscious. He was named Chucky because of two things: (1) the way he moves his head; and (2) he has had a lobotomy (electrical wires were cut); however that doesn't stop him from moving his head at the strangest times when no one is near him! Rudolph stops in for a visit every year about this time as he, also, is different from all the other reindeer. They share their stories over cups of hot chocolate spiked with a bit of peppermint schnapps.

(The houses shown in the title portion of this video and the next one
ARE NOT MINE! They are from the
Tacky Light Tour in Richmond, VA.
... And people think I'M crazy!)

This next video is of my outdoor lights with my Snowman, the Snow Maker. I had him outside for the first time two nights ago. After an hour, the area around and to the front of him was completely white (an unusual sight for the desert). It was so cold that night that the snow remained there until the next morning!

As I said, I hope to get video of my village up this week. Until then, I hope everyone is enjoying their own brand of holiday preparations ... whatever they are!

Monday, November 30, 2009


I haven't felt like building the last couple of days, but did manage to finish the village. I've decided (1) it doesn't fit it this small space; and (2) it has gotten out of control size-wise! LOL I'm not sure if it will go up again, but this year I'll enjoy it!

For right now, I'm going to post the video of the last portion that went up. I'll fill in the explanations tomorrow. I'm beat and ready for a day off! Enjoy!

(Video Length: 1:51)


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nov 28: (Day 11) City Almost Complete!

Today was 'one of those days' ....

Soon after beginning my build today, I realized I was, again, running out of room; i.e., the space I'd provided for this year's village simply wasn't large enough. But I didn't want to omit an area of Dunnville (the Bay Area) and I couldn't allot any more space if I wanted to be able to walk into my living room without knocking over a village building. What to do. What to do?

I don't know what anyone else does, but I try to visualize what the end product is going to be. However, with this year's village, I know what I want it to be ... but it is seeming to take on a life of its own during the build ... it is flowing from one area to another without a lot of thought on my part. Until today.

I wanted a "L"-shaped village this year ... which grew into a "U" shape. Now, I believe it's going to be a "U" with the middle of the "U" filled in ... in other words, a rectange with one vertical leg longer than the other. Oh well. So much for 'best laid plans' ....

I took a few hours off, too, when my daughter and her boyfriend showed up for a visit this afternoon. Family always comes first ... even over Dunnville 2009! :) As soon as they left, though, I started putting my new plan into production.

First, I had to redo some of the base of the display ... or, I should say, FIND something to build an additional base on! Finally finding some empty boxes in the garage that would fit nicely, I was back to the task at hand. So, I did get some buildings up! The city is about done; I believe I have 3 buildings to place yet. And then on to the Bay Area and the airport. By tomorrow night, I should be awfully close to finished! Then, I can just sit back and enjoy it!

Besides the base addition, the following are now part of Dunnville 2009:

  • To the left of the Town Hall (set up yesterday) is the Bank, Savings & Loan. If you look close, you'll see Mrs. Bressler and her dog have made their way to the bank.

  • The Village Inn sits next to the bank. The sign outside says "NO VACANCY". Must be a lot of people from out of town visiting for the holidays already!

  • To the right of the Police Station (also set up yesterday) is Fire Station #9. Look! Their must be a fire somewhere! The fireman are outside and appear to be headed somewhere, anyway!

  • To the right of the Police Station is Tattered Covers Rare Books. No matter what book you're looking for, you'll either find it there on the shelves or they will find it and order you a copy. Have purchased some rare treasures there!

  • Between the Police Station and the book store is the News Stand. They carry most popular magazines and the most-wanted daily newspapers besides the Dunnville News.

  • Above the fire station is Green Heaven Bed & Breakfast. The Green sisters own the place ... both spinsters. When they no longer could afford the upkeep on their home, they started renting rooms. Seems to be working for them.

  • Next to the B&B is the Cherry Blossom Chinese Restaurant. If you have a craving for Chinese food, don't pass up this hot spot!

(Video Length: 55 seconds)

Well, that's it for this Saturday. As I said, getting close to finished. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. LOL It remains to be seen how the day develops!

Until then ....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 27: (Day 10) NOW the City!

I got a late start today. And, no, I wasn't shopping on Black Friday! I haven't done that for about four years now; it's just easier to wait until midnight Thanksgiving night and order online! Get up at 4:00am? Stand in line when it's cold outside? Hell NO! The comfort of my living room is more my style! LOL

I slept in a bit ... as long as my dogs allow, which is about 8:00am. Made a pot of coffee. Drank 2 cups; still didn't have any energy. And my BACK hurt! Must be all the stretching and bending I'm doing building my village ... using muscles I haven't, obviously, used in a while! Then, my girlfriend called; she's having computer problems ... would I come look? Of course! This woman has done so much for me, it's the least I could do!

When I returned about 3:00pm, I started messing with the outside lights. We had our annual "Light Up" ceremony last night, but I wasn't happy with the way the lights looked. Actually, I'm still not happy with them so will fiddle with them some more tomorrow. Here's a short video of them:

(Video Length: 53 seconds)

At any rate, it was after dinner when I finally started to pull everything out again (I'd sort of 'put it away', i.e., hid it due to family being over for Thanksgiving). Then, I rebuilt a portion of the display base in order to get more usable space. Finally, time to build! Follow along:

  • First to go up today was the Towne Hall with a Clock Tower and the American Flag. Of course, we have to have some musicians and carollers. 'Tis the Season'! And, there is Mrs. Bressler walking her dog. Looks like they are having quite a lovely afternoon stroll.

  • Next down the street is the local Grocery Store. I see they have Christmas Trees for sale today! I may have to stop back by later and pick one up!

  • The building beside the grocer's is Vicki's Blooms (a flower shop) and Greenhouse. She sure has some beautiful poinsettias in her shop! Oh Oh! A policeman is writing someone a ticket. Looks like they parked in a No Parking zone. And, look at that cute little dog! Must belong to the person getting the ticket based on what he about to do to the policeman!

  • At the end of the street is the Old Sloan Tavern. Every town should have a place like this: comfortable for anyone and everyone (of legal age) to hang out, chat, and have a toddy; a place where everyone knows everyone else; a place to hang out by the round fireplace in the center and enjoy the company of good friends and interesting conversation.

  • See the trash bandits in front of the Tavern! Bet they are going to make a mess!

  • Below the tavern is the public golf course. See those crazy guys playing Hole #15 in the snow? And, that is one of the most difficult holes on the course: water trap, lots of trees, tall rough ... and now, SNOW! Those golfers must really love the game!

  • At the of the golf course is the Dunnville Police Station. Don't envy those people their jobs ... even though I am unemployed! Takes a certain type of person to put their life on the line every day for people they don't even know. There is one of the 'Boys in Blue' ... right beside his car. Must be on the way to a call. Hope it's nothing too much.

(Video Length: 55 seconds)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nov 26: Cooking and Cooking Some More

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 25: (Day 9) Build, Demolish, Rebuild

I started building the city/business portion of the village today. Had about nine buildings done ... stood back ... and decided I didn't like it. Tore it all apart and put the Dunnville Kids Christmas Park in it's place. Liked it a LOT better!

This Christmas park takes a lot of time as each piece takes a special adapter (as opposed to plugging in a cord with a light bulb). And this year, I decided to add a Petting Zoo so I had to make a sign for it:

The outside of the Christmas Park is made up of:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Claus watching over the Dunnville sign.

  • The WalMart, complete with a bell ringer.

  • The Indoor Ice Rink. Watch for the Coca Cola bear hockey player!

  • The Christmas Shoppe ... find ANY toy or perfect gift there! If they don't have it, they'll order it!

  • Santa's Workshop ... looks like Santa is quite busy getting ready for the 'big night'!

  • The Toy Shop ... Santa's elves work here when they aren't up at the North Pole.

  • Wind-up Toys where the toys come to life. This is a favorite among Dunnville's toddlers.

Inside the Christmas Park you'll find:

  • A ticket booth: Buy your tickets here for the Cha-Cha.

  • The Cha-Cha: don't eat before getting on this ride!

  • High Meadows skating pond. Listen to the music and watch the skaters ... or put on your own skates and take a couple of laps around the pond.

  • The Village Arcade ... come in ... test your strength; play one of the many games ... try to win a prize!

  • The playground, complete with a see-saw and a jungle gym.

  • And this year's addition: the Petting Zoo.

(Video Length: 1:05)

Keeping this short since I have to get ready for tomorrow. And, tomorrow I won't be building. See you again on Friday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov 24: (Day 8) Turbo Build!

As I enjoyed my first cup of coffee this morning, I realized that Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow! It isn't that I'm having a whole lot of company ... just the kids and their significant others ... and I'm not cooking a 25+ pound turkey like I usually do (a 12 pound one suffices this year) ... but no one can walk from my front door to anywhere in the house! You come in the front door and the walkway is blocked with boxes, buildings, and building materials! It was time to TURBO BUILD!

So, fasten your seat belt cuz here we go .....

  • We left off yesterday with the Legaspi residence. The the left of it is the Terrace Tea Room. I've never stopped in, but I hear they serve a mean cup of Darjeeling Tea. I'm more of a coffee person myself.

  • To the front and right of the Legaspi home is Webster Manor. They are long-time residents of Dunnville. In fact, their ancestors were some of the original property owners in the little village.

  • To the left of Webster Manor are two properties that look almost identical: one belongs to Bob Jones; the other to Tom Jones. The Jones brothers met and married twin sisters! To this day, their houses look the same; they drive the same cars; the couples dress alike when they are out. Kind of strange behavior for adults, but to each his/her own!

  • To the front of the Jones' properties are the Library and local Elementary School. I see the Martinez children are on the see-saw!

  • To the left of the Library is St. James Cathedral. Every year the put on a live Nativity scene. It is truly something to behold.

  • Above and behind the cathedral is the residence of Gordon and Bonnie Bressler and their two children, Mark and Kathy. Looks like Bonnie is trying to get Mark to wear mittens!

  • To the left of the Bressler home is my home

  • To the left of me is the Hanford House. The Hanfords recently moved in and I haven't had a chance to meet them, though. They sure have decorated their maple tree beautifully!

  • To the right of the Hanford House and directly below me is the Martinez residence. It is their children that are playing on the see-saw.

That is the end of the residential area. (Video Length 1:25)

I'm going to continue building ... on the business area ... but wanted to get this posted before it got too late. G'Night!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Nov 23: (Day 7) Houses, Houses, Houses

Shortly after I set up the first house today, I could see that I had a design issue. The issue? I hadn't allowed enough room if I was going to put up the whole village. The village was to reside this year in what is usually my dining room. In fact, the dining room table is supposed to be part of the base. (Who needs a dining room table anyway? What's wrong with TV trays? LOL)

And, I wanted visitors to be able to see "up close and personal" all of the details ... and one wouldn't be able to do that if the village is 4' wide or more. So, I set a pair of sawhorses with some cabinet doors over them; that wasn't going to work. I tried a couple of large Rubbermaid storage tubs; nope. I finally turned the table 90 degrees, set it up against the short wall and as close to the door as I could get it. If I'm really careful to make the best use of the real estate, I should be fine ... 'fine' being the operative word here! In fact, as I was reviewing the pictures I took this evening to put into today's blog, I noticed an empty space behind one of the houses! So, I took that area all apart again, built a raised platform, and set another house behind it.

I also wired in some decorative pieces today:

Fiber-optic hedges

Fiber-optic trees

and the lighted deer and sleigh at the Schroeder's house plus some red and green lit bushes at the North Pole.

And things would go faster if I had room to move!

This is what is called an "Electrician's Nightmare"!

All in all, though, I'd say it was a fairly productive day!

  • The Victorian Garden house is the one added as an after thought. It is the highest and to the left of the observatory. Victoria, the owner, a widow and sole occupant is a bit of a strange bird. Hardly ever see her. The gossip-mongers say her husband is buried in her garden and she won't go anywhere without him!

  • Below Victoria's house is Grandma's house and it looks like she has gone "all out" decorating her yard this year. Wonder who she had do it; she didn't call me. Hmmm. Anyway, it appears she has adorned her front yard with every decoration she has ever purchased during her lifetime! Quite bright!

  • Next to Victoria's house is the Schroeder house. They have quite the large family: 5 children ages 5-12. Dad sells cars; mom owns a beauty shop. Their children seem quite well behaved, too. Nice family. The Schroeders have decorated their front yard with lighted sculptures of Santa's sleigh and a reindeer.

  • To the left of the Schroeders is Riverview Manor owned by Arnold and Mary Brudigam, and older couple, both retired. Very nice people; always so thoughtful. They have added LED lights to their hedges for the holidays.

  • Below and to the front of Riverview Manor is Emily's Place ... another widow. Her husband used to work for the railroad and has been gone quite a few years now. She's a sweet old lady and is always helping anyone and everyone. In her front yard are the vintage blow-mold candles and Santas she has put out every year that I can remember. It's nice to see that some things don't change!

  • Below and to the left of Riverview Manor is the Legaspi's home. They are a nice Philipino family ... hard, honest workers. I heard their daughter is attending community college and working! Now, that's perseverance! It doesn't appear they have added any decorations to their yard yet ... and I can't remember every seeing any there in years past.

  • Oh! Almost forgot the squirrels I saw today ... looked like they were trying to get Mr. Snowman to play with them!

(Video Length: 46 seconds)

And, the saga continues tomorrow!